Thursday, November 19, 2009

Founcation Program And Common Year

Last year I was studding in the foundation program. It was every basic. Now I study in the common year. It is before the major. Also its basic. Now I am going to compare and contrast the similarities and differences between foundation program and common year.

There are many distinct similarities between both of them. The first similarity is that both of them are the same starting time in the morning. The classes start at eight o’clock. It will take attendees after five minutes from time start. This is the rule at the college. The second similarity is both of them are taking English subject. Each student have to study English because the is the main language for all subjects. The last one is both of them have brake between the subject. Some times in the middle and some time in last.

Although there are a number of similarities there are several differences between foundation program and common year. The first difference is that foundation has few subject. For example, four subject, but common year has more than foundation program and difficult than it. The second difference is the foundation program has foundation subject. The students have to take them to pass in any year. For examples, Math , English and computer, but common year all the subject is the part of the major you want. It’s difficult than foundation subjects. More than in the foundation if you failed you will get out of the college, but in the common year you will another chance.

We can see foundation program and the common year are similar in some way, but very different in others. I prefer foundation because I we cannot pass I the foundation subject we will cannot pass in the others.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

From Oilfield To Petrol Station Process

Most of the machines work with the petrol. For examples, cars, and many machines. We refill our car form the petrol stations. Most of the people do not know how they bring the petrol from oilfield to the petrol stations. Now, in this essay I will describe that.

The first stage is the oil is located. The second stage is the oil is pumped through pipeline from the ground . The next step is the oil is stored in storage tanks to keep them is a safety place. After that the oil is refined into different products, including petrol. Then The petrol is stored in tanks. The next stage is the petrol is transport to petrol stations. After that the petrol is stored in underground tanks to keep it in a safety place. Finally, petrol is pumped into car tanks.

As I see, from oilfield process is difficult. If you follow these steps you will be successful.

Friday, November 13, 2009

How Letters Are Sorted In The UK

Most of the countries are different in the ways sort the letters. There are many ways to deliver the letters to the people. In this essay, I will describe how letters are sorted in the UK.

The first stage in sorting letters is the letters are collected from boxes. The second stage is the letters are taken to sorting office in van. The next step is letters are put through machine to cancel the stamps. Then letters are sorted by district. After that letters are placed in pigeon holes. The next step is letters are tied in bundles to keep them together. After that the letters are sent to correct town. Finally, the letters are delivered to address.

As I have described, sorting letters is a difficult process. If you follow these steps described then you will be successful.