Tuesday, November 17, 2009

From Oilfield To Petrol Station Process

Most of the machines work with the petrol. For examples, cars, and many machines. We refill our car form the petrol stations. Most of the people do not know how they bring the petrol from oilfield to the petrol stations. Now, in this essay I will describe that.

The first stage is the oil is located. The second stage is the oil is pumped through pipeline from the ground . The next step is the oil is stored in storage tanks to keep them is a safety place. After that the oil is refined into different products, including petrol. Then The petrol is stored in tanks. The next stage is the petrol is transport to petrol stations. After that the petrol is stored in underground tanks to keep it in a safety place. Finally, petrol is pumped into car tanks.

As I see, from oilfield process is difficult. If you follow these steps you will be successful.

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