Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I am a student at Abu Dhabi men’s college. I was in diploma foundation. I got very good marks. I wanted to move from diploma foundation to higher diploma. I did challenge exam and I passed. At the moment I am studying in higher diploma common year. Regarding 125 course, I did many exam and I passed. I satisfied about my marks. Every day I do practice on the internet, like reading, listening and writing. However, my friends do very well. We help each other. If anyone cannot understand anything, we help him to understand it. About my teacher, she always gives us many practices to improve our skills. She is very good teacher. She wants to help us to increase our marks, so she made blogger to help us. The blogger is website; we can put our work on it. So from this we can combines marks. This is the good thing that happened. There is not any bad thing that happened. Everything is good. I hope we can do better that this.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

1. Compare and contrast the overall play of Brazil’s football team with that of the UAE’s

Most of the people in the world are interesting in watching the football match. They support many team. There are many good teams in the world. Now I am going to compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the Brazil’s national football team and UAE’s team.

There are many distinct similarities between both of them. The first similarity is that both of the team are have the same number of player. There are eleven player in each team and have numbers on the clothes, in the rather, on the shares. The second similarity is both of them have coach. He must be has an experiment in coaching to make them professional players. They train very day, day by day to get fitness. The next similarity is both of them want to get the cup.

Although there are a number of similarities there are several differences between the Brazil’s national football team and UAE’s team. The first difference is Brazil team is global team, but UAE team is local team. The second difference is Brazil team is former , but UAE team is Arabic team. Regarding Brazil team, it always gets a high step than UAE teams because it always shares with many teams.

As I see, Brazil team and UAE team are similar in some ways, but they have many differences. I prefer watch the UAE team because it is my country and it is my team.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Founcation Program And Common Year

Last year I was studding in the foundation program. It was every basic. Now I study in the common year. It is before the major. Also its basic. Now I am going to compare and contrast the similarities and differences between foundation program and common year.

There are many distinct similarities between both of them. The first similarity is that both of them are the same starting time in the morning. The classes start at eight o’clock. It will take attendees after five minutes from time start. This is the rule at the college. The second similarity is both of them are taking English subject. Each student have to study English because the is the main language for all subjects. The last one is both of them have brake between the subject. Some times in the middle and some time in last.

Although there are a number of similarities there are several differences between foundation program and common year. The first difference is that foundation has few subject. For example, four subject, but common year has more than foundation program and difficult than it. The second difference is the foundation program has foundation subject. The students have to take them to pass in any year. For examples, Math , English and computer, but common year all the subject is the part of the major you want. It’s difficult than foundation subjects. More than in the foundation if you failed you will get out of the college, but in the common year you will another chance.

We can see foundation program and the common year are similar in some way, but very different in others. I prefer foundation because I we cannot pass I the foundation subject we will cannot pass in the others.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

From Oilfield To Petrol Station Process

Most of the machines work with the petrol. For examples, cars, and many machines. We refill our car form the petrol stations. Most of the people do not know how they bring the petrol from oilfield to the petrol stations. Now, in this essay I will describe that.

The first stage is the oil is located. The second stage is the oil is pumped through pipeline from the ground . The next step is the oil is stored in storage tanks to keep them is a safety place. After that the oil is refined into different products, including petrol. Then The petrol is stored in tanks. The next stage is the petrol is transport to petrol stations. After that the petrol is stored in underground tanks to keep it in a safety place. Finally, petrol is pumped into car tanks.

As I see, from oilfield process is difficult. If you follow these steps you will be successful.

Friday, November 13, 2009

How Letters Are Sorted In The UK

Most of the countries are different in the ways sort the letters. There are many ways to deliver the letters to the people. In this essay, I will describe how letters are sorted in the UK.

The first stage in sorting letters is the letters are collected from boxes. The second stage is the letters are taken to sorting office in van. The next step is letters are put through machine to cancel the stamps. Then letters are sorted by district. After that letters are placed in pigeon holes. The next step is letters are tied in bundles to keep them together. After that the letters are sent to correct town. Finally, the letters are delivered to address.

As I have described, sorting letters is a difficult process. If you follow these steps described then you will be successful.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Story IN Ramadan

One day, it was in Ramadan. I finished my college at two o’clock. I was very tired. When I was driving to home, my father called me. He asked me “Where are you?” I told him I am coming, just few minutes. He said “ok, come quickly “. After five minutes from my father calling. I saw too much cars were stopping. I got out from my car, I saw an accident. I closed there. Suddenly I saw my friend car. It was very broken.

I was there, but I did not see my friend. At this time I was thinking and ask myself what happened to him. Then I found a man he was there. I asked him “where is the person who made this accident”. He said “look there”. I felt my face and I saw my friend. He was not fine. The car was all broken, but my friend was injured. His leg was broken and his neck. The police have arrived. They wrote a report about the accident. After that they took him to the hospital. I called his father to tell him, but he did not answer. Then I called his brother, I told him about everything. The accident case about the wheels. They were very bad. Regarded his family, his Mather was crying. She said “I will stay with him “. She did that.

After one week. My friend has been fine. He was very happy. His father called me to say thanks about everything and he invited me to the breakfast. After Ramadan we went to Dubai just to have fun

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Hajj

The hajj is a pilgrimage to Makah. It is currently the largest annual pilgrimage in the world. Thousands of people come to Makah from many countries to do rituals. Now I will explain and describe the hajj.

First, you should be wanted to travel to Makah for the hajj. Second you have to clean your body, for examples, taking a shower, cutting nails. After that you should wear special clothes for the hajj. Then you have to say a special taking when you are walking from city to the other cities. After that you should move around about the kabah seven times. In the second day in the morning, you have to pray. Then when the sun goes to the west, you should go to mona city and stay there tell tomorrow morning. After that you should be in mozdalefah city in the morning. Then you must throw the stones on something. More that you must cut your hair. Then you have to go back to makah.

In the conclusion, this preseuger is very difficult to know. If you follow these steps you will get the good information.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How To Fail

In this life, many people think how can they success and some of them do not care. It should be some support to be successful life. There is biggest different between a successful and failing. Most of people want their life to be good. Now I will explain how to be a frailer.

First, everyone does not want be a loser, to be that do not study. Go anywhere you want. As we know many students at the moment do not care how they can get a high mark. They just want to pass only, of course it is bad thinking. Second, do not focus on your job. After that stay outside, do not come home until night. That it is a bigger reason to be loser. Moreover make bad friends. The bad friend can effect on that. Then have a rest all the time.

To conclude, nobody wants to be loser. As I see, if you want to be a winner always, do not do these steps because they will make you loser. Good luck.